- Summary of High Dose Vitamin D
61 High-Dose items - 10 most-visited High-Dose pages
12 High-Dose Interventions using Vitamin D - 40-150 ng of Vitamin D need to treat health problems
- VitaminDWiki - Diseases treated by high-dose Vitamin D - many studies
- Vitamin D mega-doses are safe and effective – review Dec 2021
- 878+ High-Dose Vitamin D items in title (Sept 2024)
Summary of High Dose Vitamin D
High Dose = the on-going use of >5,000 IU (daily average)
High-dose Vitamin D safe for children (10,000 IU daily, 600,000 IU bolus) – meta-analysis April 2022
Dosing frequency: 1 per day to 1 per 17 days is best, however some studies use monthly dosing
High Dose has been used millions of times - safely and effectively
High Dose for more than 6 months should include the adjustment of co-factors
>100,000 daily can be toxic in 3 weeks if cofactors are not adjusted
Can be via injections
High dose is not the same as a Loading Dose (bolus)
- A Loading Dose is a high-dose typically completed in less than 30 days
See also
Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough
Vitamin D: Bolus is Bogus (if more than 17 days between oral doses) – Oct 2021
61 High-Dose items - wiki page:
- 300,000 IU of Vitamin D - many studies
- Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024
- High-Doses (50,000 IU weekly, etc.) if at high risk of Vitamin D deficiency - Aug 2024
- Coimbra Protocol (using Vitamin D) is safe and effective for Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune diseases – April 2022
- "If you don’t supplement with vitamin D, you’re deficient… period" - Dec 2023
- 5,000 IU of Vitamin D - many studies
- Psoriasis treatment often needs more than 100 ng of Vitamin D (oral, topical or UVB) – review and discussion April 2021
- Randomized Controlled Trials in VitaminDWiki - many studies
- Large dose Vitamin D before surgery was found to help by 35 studies
- COVID predicted to be a pandemic that could be stopped by high dose vitamin D - Feb 2020
- Fracture 4X less likely following kidney transplant if high-dose Vitamin D (100,000 every 2 weeks) – RCT Jan 2023
- High-Dose
- 50,000 IU and other high dose vitamin studies
- Diseases treated by high-dose Vitamin D - many studies
- High dose vitamin D fights Folate gene changes by COVID, autoimmune, CVD, ALZ – Oct 2022
- Treat COVID with early high-dose Vitamin D (20th as of June 2022)
- High-Dose Vitamin D puts surplus calories into muscles instead of fat (mice) – May 2022
- High-dose Vitamin D safe for children (10,000 IU daily, 600,000 IU bolus) – meta-analysis April 2022
- Coimbra protocol using high-dose Vitamin D is safe – April 2022
- Several rheumatic diseases treated by high-dose vitamin D, but made worse if Calcium was added – April 2022
- Beyond vitamin D - book of testimonials on high-dose Coimbra Protocol - Aug, 2021
- HIV treatment augmented by high-dose vitamin D, daily or weekly – Dec 2021
- Vitamin D and a Dr. in Israel - Campbell video and transcript - Dec 11, 2021
- Multiple Sclerosis treated by Vitamin D, recommends investigating high dose Coimbra - Oct 2021
- Vitamin D3 better than D2, especially if non-daily or high dose - meta-analysis Sept 2021
- High-dose vitamin D improves health (presentation) - Aug 30, 2021
- High dose vitamin D for Autoimmune diseases - Portuguese - 2019
- High Dose Vitamin D for autoimmune diseases -blog June 13, 2021
- Some pathogens and health problems restrict Vitamin D from being used – Coimbra high-dose protocol – April 2021
- Kidney patients who happened to be getting high-dose Calcitriol were 9X less likely to die of COVID-19 - April 6, 2021
- Autoimmune and high-dose vitamin D (Dr. Coimbra) - Dr. Mahtani video and transcript - Nov 2020
- Vitamin D Resistance hypothesis confirmed by Coimbra high-dose vitamin D protocol – April 2021
- Crohn’s Disease reduced for a year by 7 weeks of high dose Vitamin D – RCT March 2021
- Those getting high dose vitamin D were 7 X less likely to die of COVID-19 - Dec 11, 2020
- High doses vitamin D may prevent or treat COVID-19 - June 2020
- Many doctors believe that high dose vitamin D can fight COVID-19 – BMJ April 2020
- Lowering Calcium Risk when having High Dose Vitamin D3 – Cawley Dec 2019
- Cystic Fibrosis is safely treated by high-dose Vitamin D – Sept 2019
- The use of high dose Vitamin D (Coimbra Protocol) for multiple sclerosis in Germany – 2019
- High-dose Vitamin D for Multiple Sclerosis is OK while pregnant – Sept 2019
- Treat autoimmune diseases with high-dose vitamin D – Germany online Aug 24, 25 2019
- Muscular Dystrophy probably treated by high-dose Vitamin D plus muscle rehab
- Successful high dose vitamin D (Coimbra Protocol) should be evaluated – June 2019
- Hypertension gene expression reduced by high-dose vitamin D (hypertensive rats) – March 2019
- Comparing High-dose vitamin D therapies
- High-dose vitamin D forum – for Multiple Sclerosis and many other diseases – Jan 2019
- Multiple Sclerosis - Coimbra Protocol (high-dose Vitamin D) - by one of the 120 doctors of 20,000 patients - Dec 2018
- High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy – book July 2018
- Replies to doctor’s comments about high dose Vitamin D for Multiple Sclerosis– Nov 2016
- Guide for patients on high doses of Vitamin D – Coimbra 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis treated when use high doses of vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2018
- ICU cost reduced by at least 27,000 dollars if get high dose vitamin D in first week - April 2017
- Hospital ICU added high dose vitamin D - malpractice lawsuit costs dropped from 26 million dollars to ZERO - Oct 2016
- High dose vitamin D (20,000 IU per kg of feed) safe for pigs – Aug 2015
- High dose vitamin reduced pain of fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis - July 2015
- Gene activation by high dose vitamin D - both quick and long term - April 2015
- Kidney disease helped by active or high dose Vitamin D - Feb 2014
- Can get 50,000 IU Vitamin D anywhere on the globe
- Cluster headaches virtually eliminated in 7,000 people with high-dose vitamin D and cofactors - Feb 2022
- Many hints that vitamin D megadoses cure some diseases
- 70 percent of people with IBS had symptoms relieved with high dose vitamin D – 2012
10 most-visited High-Dose pages
12 High-Dose Interventions using Vitamin D - Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024
- Randomized Controlled Trials in VitaminDWiki - many studies
- Fracture 4X less likely following kidney transplant if high-dose Vitamin D (100,000 every 2 weeks) – RCT Jan 2023
- High dose vitamin D fights Folate gene changes by COVID, autoimmune, CVD, ALZ – Oct 2022
- Several rheumatic diseases treated by high-dose vitamin D, but made worse if Calcium was added – April 2022
- HIV treatment augmented by high-dose vitamin D, daily or weekly – Dec 2021
- Kidney patients who happened to be getting high-dose Calcitriol were 9X less likely to die of COVID-19 - April 6, 2021
- ICU cost reduced by at least 27,000 dollars if get high dose vitamin D in first week - April 2017
- Hospital ICU added high dose vitamin D - malpractice lawsuit costs dropped from 26 million dollars to ZERO - Oct 2016
- High dose vitamin reduced pain of fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis - July 2015
- Kidney disease helped by active or high dose Vitamin D - Feb 2014
- Cluster headaches virtually eliminated in 7,000 people with high-dose vitamin D and cofactors - Feb 2022
40-150 ng of Vitamin D need to treat health problems
Vitamin D Treats 150 ng Multiple Sclerosis * 80 ng Cluster Headache *
Reduced office visits by 4X *70 ng Sleep * 60 ng Breast Cancer death reduced 60%
Preeclampsia RCT50 ng COVID-19
T1 Diabetes
Infections Review
Infection after surgery40 ng Breast Cancer 65% lower risk
ACL recovery
Asthma?30 ng Rickets * Evolution of experiments with patients, often also need co-factors
VitaminDWiki - Diseases treated by high-dose Vitamin D - many studies
Vitamin D mega-doses are safe and effective – review Dec 2021
Safety and effectiveness of vitamin D mega-dose: A systematic review
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN Volume 46, Dec 2021, Pages 115-120 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.09.010 PDF behind paywall
Fernanda Lauar Ataide a, Larissa Matos Carvalho Bastos b, Matheus Franklin Vicente Matias b, Thelma Larocca Skare c, Jozélio Freire de Carvalho dIntroduction
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin D, known as mega-dose or “stoss therapy,” refers to administering high doses of vitamin D by oral or intramuscular route in short periods of time. In this sense, conducting a review to organize this knowledge in a single article will generate a helpful instrument for researchers working in this area and for health professionals who use this therapeutic tool.Objective
To carry out a literature review on safety and efficacy (normalization of serum vitamin D level, and changes in the clinical picture) of vitamin D mega-dose use.Methodology
This is a systematic review of the literature searching data through the electronic banks of PubMed, Scielo, and LILACS, using the following keywords: “vitamin D,” “mega-dose,” “stoss therapy,” “cholecalciferol,” in different combinations. CONSORT questionnaire was used to assess the quality of the included studies.Results
Of the 59 articles screened for this review, 10 were included in the review, studying patients with- rickets,
- osteoporosis, and
- critically ill patients.
Two studies compared the exact dosage of vitamin D by different routes of administration, and three studies compared different doses by the same route. All others studied vitamin D mega-dose versus placebo. Adverse effects were observed through the presence of hypercalcemia/hypercalciuria. Serum vitamin D levels were normalized between 70 and 100% of patients, and adverse effects ranged between 1.9 and 18.5%.
The study demonstrated that vitamin D mega-dose therapy is effective in normalizing serum vitamin levels, and the toxicity assessed through adverse effects was low, with no expressive clinical significance. Despite this, there is still a need for further studies in the area to confirm the results found.Introduction
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common medical conditions worldwide [1] and can lead to growth retardation and deformities in the bone skeleton during childhood. In adults, this deficiency can precipitate or exacerbate osteopenia and osteoporosis, cause osteomalacia and muscle weakness, in addition to increasing the risk of fractures [2,3].Vitamin D is not only associated with osteo-mineral metabolism; it also takes part in several extra-skeletal conditions participating in the pathophysiology of cancer, infections, hypertension, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic diseases [4,5]. Moreover, it is known that vitamin D plays a role in several vital cellular processes [6]; its receptor (VDR) is present in almost all cells and tissues of the human body [7] contributing directly or indirectly to the regulation of about 3% of the human genome [8].
There are three main sources of vitamin D: sun exposure, diet, and supplementation; the most important is sun exposure answering for 80–90% of the total vitamin D pool [9]. Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation penetrating the deep layers of skin converts the vitamin's precursor, 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) into pre-vitamin D3 and then to vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol [3,7]. Therefore, any factor that reduces the solar transmission of UVB radiation or any element that interferes with its penetration into the skin will decrease the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D, leading to deficiency [9].
Some people are at risk for hypovitaminosis D [10]. Elderly individuals, those with gastrointestinal malabsorption [2], with dark skin [6], pregnant and post-menopausal women [3], individuals who live in places with prolonged winters [10] or use some types of clothing such as the burqa [2] are some of them.
Vitamin D supplementation is done orally or through intramuscular injections [11]. The oral route is the most commonly used but adherence may be impaired by gastrointestinal effects and for difficulties in swallowing capsules [12]; the intramuscular route seems to be more efficient [13].
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin D, known as mega-dose or “stoss therapy,” refers to administering high doses of vitamin D by oral or intramuscular route for short periods of time [14]. The dosages vary among the studies; there is no consensus which dose is megadose. In this context a fraction of vitamin D is immediately converted to hydroxi-vitamin D (OH Vit.D), while another part is stored in adipose tissues from which it is slowly released [12]. This type of supplementation offers not only efficacy and safety but also a sustained effect [15]. However, there are no guidelines on how long these doses should be administered and what are the biochemical tests needed to assess its effect and safety [16]. Hypervitaminosis D, inadequate response of some patients and decrease in serum vitamin D levels over time are some of the concerns [13].
Although vitamin D supplementation is relatively safe, poisoning is a potentially severe condition [3,17]. It leads to hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia, and symptoms range from thirst and polyuria to seizures, coma and death [18,19].
The present study aimed to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the safety and efficacy of vitamin D mega-dose use.
Section snippets
Study design
This study followed the Cochrane Handbook recommendations for Systematic Reviews of Interventions for its development and consists of a Systematic Review of the literature. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) was used to produce the text. This study was registered on PROSPERO under the number 246048.Search strategy
A literature search was performed using the following electronic databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, Scielo, and LILACS. The used keywords were: “vitamin D,”…Methodological quality assessment
To assess the methodological quality of the selected works, the articles were submitted to the CONSORT questionnaire. CONSORT is an acronym for “Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials,” where there is a minimum set of evidence-based recommendations for reporting controlled clinical trials. Articles that did not reach a score of 70% in this questionnaire were excluded from this study….Results
The initial search through the descriptors in the electronic databases resulted in ten articles that met all the inclusion criteria, as shown in Fig. 1 (following PRISMA guidelines). The selected articles were published between 2012 and 2021….The studies came from the following countries: India (n = 3), Australia (n = 2), United States (n = 1), England (n = 1), Austria (n = 1), and Turkey (n = 1). The studied diseases were: rickets (n = 3), critical patients (n = 2), elderly with vitamin D…
This review analyses efficacy and safety of vitamin D mega-dose, in different dosages and different administration regimes (oral and intramuscular), in the normalization of serum vitamin D levels and adverse effects such as hypercalcemia and/or hypercalciuria. In general, it has a good efficacy in normalize vitamin D levels with no or minimal side effects.The included studies can be divided into three main sets. The studies from the first group evaluated vitamin D mega-dose in children with…
References (28)
A. Tellioglu et al. Efficacy and safety of high dose intramuscular or oral cholecalciferol in vitamin D deficient/insufficient elderly Maturitas (2012)
M.F. Holick Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disease Am J Clin Nutr (2004)
M.F. Holick et al. Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences Am J Clin Nutr (2008)
M.D. Kearns et al. Large, single-dose, oral vitamin d supplementation in adult populations: a systematic review Endocr Pract (2014)
B.R. Shah et al. Single-day therapy for nutritional vitamin D-deficiency rickets: a preferred method J Pediatr (1994)
T.H. Diamond et al. Annual intramuscular injection of a mega-dose of cholecalciferol for treatment of vitamin D deficiency: efficacy and safety data Med J Aust (2005)
M.F. Holick Vitamin D deficiency N Engl J Med (2007)
S. Pilz et al. Vitamin D in preventive medicine Anticancer Res (2015)
C.V. Restorff et al. High-dose oral vitamin D3 supplementation in rheumatology patients with severe vitamin D3 deficiency Bone (2009)
N.J. Schuch et al. Vitamin D and endocrine diseases Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol (2009)
Optimal vitamin D status at admission appears to improve survival after craniotomy in patients with brain malignancies 2023, Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Effect of Single High Dose Vitamin D Substitution in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency on Length of Hospital Stay
2023, Biomedicines
Vitamin D and COVID-19—Revisited
2022, Journal of Internal Medicine
Post-Diagnosis Vitamin D Supplement Use and Survival among Cancer Patients: A Meta-Analysis
2022, Nutrients
Vitamin D Is Associated with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Primary Biliary Cholangitis
2022, Nutrients
Safety of megadose of vitamin D in patients with nephrolithiasis
Nutrition, Volumes 87–88, 2021, Article 111201
Nutritional and prognostic significance of abdominal wall thickness measured during percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in older individuals with dysphagia
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Volume 46, 2021, pp. 216-222
Micronutrients for potential therapeutic use against COVID-19; a review
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Volume 46, 2021, pp. 9-13
Associations between a composite score of hemoglobin, CRP and albumin and physical performance in older patients undergoing gastrointestinal cancer surgery Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Volume 46, 2021, pp. 330-335
Vitamin D status is favorably associated with the cardiovascular risk factors in adults with obesity
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Volume 46, 2021, pp. 232-239
Effect of parenteral nutrition in oxygen escalation/de-escalation in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients who are pre-intubation: A multicenter, observational study Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Volume 46, 2021, pp. 206-209
878+ High-Dose Vitamin D items in title (Sept 2024)
- Early High-Dose Vitamin D3 for Critically Ill, Vitamin D–Deficient Patients Dec 2019 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1911124 540,000 IU no advantage FREE PDF
- Effectiveness and Safety of a High-Dose Weekly Vitamin D (20,000 IU) Protocol in Older Adults Living in Residential Care - July 2014 https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.12927 19% still less than 30 ng, 52% > 40 ng - safe, did not notice benefit PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDwiki
High-Dose9985 visitors, last modified 26 Oct, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)