
Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don't stop viral transmission - Nov 5, 2021

Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don't stop viral transmission Rebel News


  • Gates: "We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce transmission.”

32 minute inteview -mainly on climate change, This starts with his Vaccine comment

  • "Further intriguing is the fact that Bill Gates is permitted to make such a statement without recourse, while any other individual would be immediately struck down by internet censors for making such a claim."
  • "For example, the Google-owned video-sharing platform, YouTube, recently broadened its censorship policy to ban all medical and vaccine "misinformation" under a new policy — which specifically includes a ban on any "claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease."


Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday November 14, 2021 23:18:26 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)

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