
Extending Health Span is a better goal than extending Lifespan -July 2021

The economic value of targeting aging

Nature Aging volume 1, pages 616–623 (2021)
Andrew J. Scott, Martin Ellison & David A. Sinclair

Table of Contents

Developments in life expectancy and the growing emphasis on biological and ‘healthy’ aging raise a number of important questions for health scientists and economists alike. Is it preferable to make lives healthier by compressing morbidity, or longer by extending life? What are the gains from targeting aging itself compared to efforts to eradicate specific diseases? Here we analyze existing data to evaluate the economic value of increases in life expectancy, improvements in health and treatments that target aging.
We show that a compression of morbidity that improves health is more valuable than further increases in life expectancy, and that targeting aging offers potentially larger economic gains than eradicating individual diseases.
We show that a slowdown in aging that increases life expectancy by

  • 1 year is worth US$38 trillion, and by
  • 10 years, US$367 trillion.

Ultimately, the more progress that is made in improving how we age, the greater the value of further improvements.
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It appears that this study does not consider the additional years of added income possible by having a longer healthspan

VitaminDWiki - Healthspan is more important than Lifespan – JAMA Oct 2018

6+ VitaminDWiki pages have HEALTHSPAN in the title

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20566 Life vs health.png admin 01 Jan, 2024 49.60 Kb 89
20565 ToC Targeting aging.png admin 01 Jan, 2024 8.97 Kb 114
20564 economic value of targeting aging_CompressPdf.pdf admin 01 Jan, 2024 1.20 Mb 194