- 21+ VitaminDWiki pages with LONGEVITY etc in the title
- 21+ VitaminDWiki pages with LIVE LONGER in the title
- Search Google Scholar for (LONGEVITY OR HEALTHSPAN) VITAMIN D: 98,800 hits March 2024
- VitaminDWiki Mortality category contains:
- Methylation of Vitamin D genes changes vitamin D getting to cells- Dec 2016
- Vitamin D supplementation is associated 2 year slower epigenetic aging - May 2022
- A Review: Highlighting the Links between Epigenetics, COVID-19 Infection, and Vitamin D - Oct 2022
- VitaminDWiki is trying to setup a 5,000 person vitamin D demonstration - which may show improved longevity
- Two Vitamin D megatrials (>5,000 people) on reducing all-cause mortality are underway - 2021
- See also VitaminDWiki
- A good review of increased longevity: https://agingbiotech.info/
- There have been
6497 visits to this page
21+ VitaminDWiki pages with LONGEVITY etc in the title
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Items found: 27
21+ VitaminDWiki pages with LIVE LONGER in the title
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Items found: 23
Search Google Scholar for (LONGEVITY OR HEALTHSPAN) VITAMIN D: 98,800 hits March 2024
(Longevity OR Lifespan OR Healthspan) "vitamin d"
- Vitamin D-Sire for Longevity: Can Vitamin D Contribute to Life Expectancy? - Aug 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12603-023-1964-3 FREE PDF
- Vitamin D in physiological and pathological aging: Lesson from centenarians - October 2019 FREE PDF
- Association of Vitamin D Receptor with Longevity and Healthy Aging - 2013 FREE PDF
- Investigational drugs and nutrients for human longevity. Recent clinical trials registered in ClinicalTrials.gov and clinicaltrialsregister.eu - Jun 2021, FREE PDF - includes 2 vitamin D megatrials
VitaminDWiki Mortality category contains:
People die sooner if they have low vitamin D
click on image for details- More vitamin D means fewer deaths – many studies
- Much more likely to live longer if higher vitamin D – 27,000 seniors Feb 2017
- 2,000 IU of Vitamin D daily to German Seniors would save 30,000 lives a year – March 2021
- Dr. Grant on vitamin D and mortality in VitaminDWiki
- Top 10 causes of death - low vitamin D is associated with every cause - Nov 2018
- Taking vitamin D extends life - 56 trials with 100,000 people - Dr. Greger video July 2016
- Much more likely to live longer if higher vitamin D – 27,000 seniors Feb 2017
- Low Vitamin D is associated with dying sooner (70 studies) – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- 4.8 X more likely to die within 28 days of ICU if low Vitamin D - Jan 2024
- Chance of dying in hospital cut in half by just 10 ng higher level of Vitamin D – April 2016
- Senior women having low vitamin D were 2X more likely to die - Sept 2023
- Risk of death after bone fracture was 6.6 X higher if less than 10 ng of vitamin D – June 2017
326 articles in Mortality category
Methylation of Vitamin D genes changes vitamin D getting to cells- Dec 2016
Relationship between methylation status of vitamin D-related genes, vitamin D levels, and methyl-donor biochemistry
Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism Volume 6, December 2016, Pages 8-15 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnim.2016.04.010
Emma LouiseBeckett a b KonstaDuesingb CharlotteMartina PatriceJonesa JohnFurstcKatrina KingdSuzanne Niblettd ZoeYatese Martin Veysey df Mark LucockaHighlights
- Plasma 25(OH)D positively correlates with methylation status of the vitamin D receptor gene.
- Vitamin D status relates to the methylation status of the genes of key enzymes involved in vitamin D metabolism.
- DNA methylation may influence vitamin D metabolism, possibly explaining varied responses to intake.
- Methyl-donor related biochemistry (serum folate, B12, plasma homocysteine) does not significantly alter these relationships.
Vitamin D is known for its role in the regulation of gene expression via the vitamin D receptor, a nuclear transcription factor. More recently, a role for vitamin D in regulating DNA methylation has been identified as an additional mechanism of modulation of gene expression. How methylation status influences vitamin D metabolism and response pathways is not yet clear.
Therefore, we aimed to assess the relationship between plasma 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D) and the methylation status of- vitamin D metabolism enzyme genes (CYP2R1, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1) and the
- vitamin D receptor gene (VDR).
This analysis was conducted in the context of dietary vitamin D, and background methyl donor related biochemistry, with adjustment for several dietary and lifestyle variables. Percentage methylation at CpG sites was assessed in peripheral blood cells using methylation sensitive and dependent enzymes and qPCR. Standard analytical techniques were used to determine plasma 25(OH)D and homocysteine, and serum folate and B12, with the relationship to methylation status assessed using multi-variable regression analysis. CYP2R1 and VDR methylation were found to be independent predictors of plasma 25(OH)D, when adjusted for vitamin D intake and other lifestyle variables. CYP24A1 was related to plasma 25(OH)D directly, but not in the context of vitamin D intake. Methyl-group donor biochemistry was associated with the methylation status of some genes, but did not alter the relationship between methylation and plasma 25(OH)D.
Modulation of methylation status of CYP2R1, CYP24A1 and VDR in response to plasma 25(OH)D may be part of feedback loops involved in maintaining vitamin D homeostasis, and may explain a portion of the variance in plasma 25(OH)D levels in response to intake and sun exposure. Methyl-group donor biochemistry, while a potential independent modulator, did not alter this effect.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Vitamin D supplementation is associated 2 year slower epigenetic aging - May 2022
GeroScience volume 44, pages 1847–1859 (2022)
Valentin Max Vetter, Yasmine Sommerer, Christian Humberto Kalies, Dominik Spira, Lars Bertram & Ilja DemuthAdverse effects of low vitamin D level on mortality and morbidity are controversially discussed.
Especially older people are at risk for vitamin D deficiency and therefore exposed to its potentially harmful consequences.
A way of measuring differences in the biological age is through DNA methylation age (DNAm age) and its deviation from chronological age, DNAm age acceleration (DNAmAA).
We previously reported on an association between vitamin D deficiency and higher 7-CpG DNAmAA in participants of the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II). In this study, we employ a quasi-interventional study design to assess the relationship between DNAmAA of five epigenetic clocks and vitamin D supplementation.
Longitudinal data were available for 1,036 participants of BASE-II that were reexamined on average 7.4 years later in the GendAge study (mean age at follow-up: 75.6 years, SD = 3.8 years, age range: 64.9–94.1 years, 51.9% female).
DNAmAA was estimated with the- 7-CpG clock,
- Horvath’s clock,
- Hannum’s clock,
- PhenoAge, and
- GrimAge.
Methylation data were obtained through methylation-sensitive single nucleotide primer extension (MS-SNuPE) or Illumina’s Infinium “MethylationEPIC” array. Vitamin D–deficient participants who chose to start vitamin D supplementation after baseline examination showed a
- 2.6-year lower 7-CpG DNAmAA (p = 0.011) and
- 1.3-year lower Horvath DNAmAA (p = 0.042)
compared to untreated and vitamin D–deficient participants.
DNAmAA did not statistically differ between participants with successfully treated vitamin D deficiency and healthy controls (p > 0.16).
Therefore, we conclude that intake of vitamin D supplement is associated with lower DNAmAA in participants with vitamin D deficiency.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Examine.com reviewed this study
A Review: Highlighting the Links between Epigenetics, COVID-19 Infection, and Vitamin D - Oct 2022
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(20), 12292; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms232012292
by Ashmika Foolch etc.The highly transmittable and infectious COVID-19 remains a major threat worldwide, with the elderly and comorbid individuals being the most vulnerable. While vaccines are currently available, therapeutic drugs will help ease the viral outbreak and prevent serious health outcomes. Epigenetic modifications regulate gene expression through changes in chromatin structure and have been linked to viral pathophysiology. Since epigenetic modifications contribute to the life cycle of the virus and host immune responses to infection, epigenetic drugs are promising treatment targets to ameliorate COVID-19. Deficiency of the multifunctional secosteroid hormone vitamin D is a global health threat. Vitamin D and its receptor function to regulate genes involved in immunity, apoptosis, proliferation, differentiation, and inflammation. Amassed evidence also indicates the biological relations of vitamin D with reduced disease risk, while its receptor can be modulated by epigenetic mechanisms. The immunomodulatory effects of vitamin D suggest a role for vitamin D as a COVID-19 therapeutic agent. Therefore, this review highlights the epigenetic effects on COVID-19 and vitamin D while also proposing a role for vitamin D in COVID-19 infections.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
VitaminDWiki is trying to setup a 5,000 person vitamin D demonstration - which may show improved longevity
- Possible large Vitamin D intervention trial to increase longevity in Saudi Arabia etc.
- Iceland and Vitamin D - many studies
Two Vitamin D megatrials (>5,000 people) on reducing all-cause mortality are underway - 2021
Investigational drugs and nutrients for human longevity. Recent clinical trials registered in ClinicalTrials.gov and clinicaltrialsregister.eu
https://doi.org/10.1080/13543784.2021.1939306 PDF is behind a paywall
See also VitaminDWiki
- More vitamin D means fewer deaths – many studies
- Less likely to die of various causes if higher Vitamin D (data from 300,000 people) – Oct 2022
- COVID death 5.2X more likely if Vitamin D deficient – May 2022
- Mortality reduced by 35 percent if everyone had 50 ng of vitamin D - Grant Oct 2021
- How Vitamin D, Omega-3s, and Exercise May Increase Longevity - Patrick Nov 2023
A good review of increased longevity: https://agingbiotech.info/
nothing about Vitamin D
There have been
6497 visits to this page
Longevity and healthspan increased by Vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium - many studies2830 visitors, last modified 21 Jul, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 18844 Epigenetics, COVID_CompressPdf.pdf admin 20 Nov, 2022 302.15 Kb 249 18843 slower epigenetic aging_CompressPdf.pdf admin 20 Nov, 2022 263.03 Kb 252 18842 methylation Dec 2016.pdf admin 20 Nov, 2022 612.12 Kb 262
- There have been