
Sunniest cities in the world

This Map Reveals the Sunniest (and Least Sunny) Cities in the World Thrillist July 2019

Based on total annual sunlight hours
Not clear if it account for clouds
Does not consider elevation (higher = more vitamin D)

Most sunny cities in the world (#1 = most)

10. El Paso, Texas
9. Khargo, Egypt
8. Tuscon, Arizona
7. Las Vegas, Nevada
6. Keetmanshoop, Namibia
5. Phoenix, Arizona
4. Dakhla Oasis, Egypt
3. Calama, Chile
2. Marsa Elam, Egypt
1. Yuma, Arizona

Least sunny cities in the world (#1 = least)

10. Bogotá, Colombia
9. Reykjavik, Iceland
8. Ushuaia, Argentina
7. Lima, Peru
6. Buenaventura, Colombia
5. Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
4. Dikson, Russia
3. Chongqing, China
2. Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
1. Totoró, Colombia

Detailed maps and photos of the cities


See also VitaminDWiki


Note: The Founder of VitaminDWiki has lived his entire life in Western (cloudy) Washington
But is currently living in Port Townsend, 75 miles NW of Seattle, which is the sunniest portion of the state

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday July 18, 2019 02:10:19 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 4)

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