
US Cities with least amount of sunshine - top 15 all in Washington

   (% of sunshine)
1. Bellingham 35%
2. Everett 37%
3. Shoreline 37%
4. Seattle 37%
5. East Seattle 38%
6. Bellevue 38%
7. Renton 39%
8. Issaquah Plateau 39%
9. Kent 40%
10. Federal Way: 40%
11. Tacoma 40%
12. Lakewood : 41%
13. Tahoma-Maple Valley 41%
14. Enumclaw Plateau 43%
15. Graham-Thrift 43%

From list of US cities with population of more than 50,000 population


See also VitaminDWiki

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164 cities without sunshine.gif admin 02 Sep, 2010 22.87 Kb 7107