
Vitamin D Blog

Sunscreen in a pill?

Wednesday February 1, 2012

In Jan 2012 VitaminDWiki became aware of a pill which provides some protection of damage of the skin from the sun.
The pill contains natural antioxidents which reduce skin damage for both UVA and UVB rays WITHOUT decreasing the amount of UVB (read that as Vitamin D) that the skin receives.
You need to have been taking the pill for several weeks for the protection to build up.
It appears to reduce the amount of skin damage by 3X, that is, it allows you to get 3X as much vitamin D from the sun before getting any skin damage.

The pill is available for $30 and $4 shipping in the US. By the middle of 2012 they hope ship to other countries.
List of Ingredients at sunsaferx
SunsafeRx press release