Results of clinical trial Jan 2012 showed that vitamin D and cofactors built bone at least as well as bisphosphonates or strontium ranelate.
The trial used: vitamin D(3), vitamin K(2), strontium, magnesium and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
This has been indicated many times before, but this is the first clinical trial that we are aware of that proves it.
Some of the links from the VitaminDWiki web page include:
- Vitamin D is the first of three ways to make unbreakable bones – Oct 2011
- Overview Osteoporosis and vitamin D
- Overview Bone fractures and vitamin D
- Overview Falling, Fractures and Vitamin D
- Bisphosphonates 4.5 X more likely to work when vitamin D level above 33 ng – Sept 2011
- Osteoporosis medication 7X better when more than 33 ng of vitamin D – June 2011
- It takes more than just Vitamin D to build bones later blog post