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  1. Vitamin D prevent 25% cancers - 2009
  2. vit D cancer latitude
  3. vit D and Cancer
  4. Vitamin D and Calcium reduces risk of cancer - Lappe 2007
  5. How strong is evidence Cancer
  6. History of Vit D and cancer prevention
  7. Shining Light on vit D and Cancer
  8. Vit D Treat Cancer Vit D3 World
  9. Vit D and cancer do no harm
  10. Vit D and Cancer Cancer Society
  11. Impediments to UVB and Vit D related to cancer
  12. Strong evidence of UVB and Vit D and Cancer
  13. studies of 16 cancers and vit D
  14. Chart Mamogram density decrease with increase vitamin D
  15. vit D and differentiation in cancer
  16. Vit D and Calcium reduce Cancer risk
  17. Vit D and cancer first do no harm by higher dose
  18. Vitamin after cancer diagnosis review 2008
  19. Vitamin D and cancer mini symposium
  20. Air Pollution and Cancer
  21. Vit D and Cancer misc abstracts
  22. Vitamin D prevent Cancer - 2009
  23. Garland cancer 2009
  24. Less renal cancer for men who get more sun while working
  25. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk
  26. Vitamin D Cancer and latitude 2008 PNAS
  27. Chart All Cancers reduced by 68 percent if > 29ng/ml Heaney - May 2010
  28. Many cancers increase in Japan during past 50 years
  29. Role of vitamin D in cancer treatment and prevention - June 2010
  30. No correlation noticed between Head and Neck Cancer and vitamin D - June 2010
  31. meta analysis vitamin D and cancers - prepub 2010
  32. Promise of vitamin D analogues in the treatment of Cancer -2006
  33. Obesity was a better predictor of endocrine cancer than 30ng vitamin D
  34. Vitamin D for prevention and treatment of Cancer - technical July 2010
  35. Chemo drug Docetaxel and supplements such as vitamin D - July 2010
  36. Prevention of lung cancer by vitamin D etc- July 2010
  37. Chemotherapy and vitamin D - review 2010
  38. Cancer incidence with vitamin D supplements- CDC Aug 2010 - GIF
  39. How I Treat Vitamin D Deficiency - for cancer March 2010
  40. Letter to editor on errors in rare cancers study - Sept 2010
  41. vitamin D use with chemotherapy - July 2010
  42. Vitamin D and various cancers - Nov 2010
  43. Lots of vitamin D does not increase serum levels lots - Feb 2011
  44. Vitamin D in combination cancer treatment - 2010.PDF
  45. Mechanisms of the Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory - 2011.PDF
  46. vitamin D and cancer condundrum - 2010.pdf
  47. 8000 IU raised vitamin D for many Cancer patients - 2010.pdf
  48. Vitamin D Cancer - Garland 2009.pdf
  49. Cancer in France vs latitude - 2010.PDF
  50. U shaped risk curves happen where UV varies a lot - Vieth 2011.jpg

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