Toggle Health Problems and D

Many people are actively trying to lose weight gained during pandemic - Vitamin D will help

Many Randomized Controlled Trials of weight loss have found that

  1. When taken in combination with calorie restriction and/or exercise, vitamin D helps lose weight
    Weight loss on low-calorie diet: 7 lbs more lost if got lots of Vitamin D – June 2021
    The Vitamin That Quadruples Weight Loss - Oct 2019
    Lost 19 lbs more if add vitamin D to calorie restriction and walking program– July 2018
  2. That best results if take Vitamin D nondaily - weekly is typical
    Obese lost more weight on diet if added 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – many RCTs
  3. Vitamin D does not help much until >30 ng - so start by restoring your Vitamin D levels
    Such as restoring levels by taking 50,000 IU daily for 4 days

Continue to take Vitamin D after weight loss

  • To reduce your chance of getting COVID infection
  • To reduce your chance of regaining the weight
Adding Resveratrol will increase weight loss and maintenance in some
Adding Omega-3 will increase your chance of keeping the weight off

What to do

  1. Buy a botttle of 50,000 IU capsules of Vitamin D
    *VitaminDWiki pages containing "50,000" in title 163 as of Dec 2021
    One of the 13 companies selling 50,000 bottles on Amazon US A $22 bottle will last for almost 2 years
  2. Take 4 capsules (200,000 IU)
    = the amount of Vitamin D generated in your body by 10 days of working on your tan
  3. Start your weight loss regime
    Example: exercise and/or calorie reduction
  4. Take 1 capsule each week - perhaps on SUNday
  5. For even more weight loss, take Resveratrol daily or every several days
    >200 Amazon suppliers of Resveratrol
    500 mg varies from 5 cents to $1.40, but higher cost appears to be more bio-available
  6. For even more weight loss, take Omega-3
    The founder of VitaminDWiki has been taking coromega for decades 43 cents per day
  7. After losing desired weight. continue taking Vitamin D, Resveratrol and Omega-3 to keep weight off
    48 health problems proven to be prevented or treated by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly
    26 health problems proven to be prevented or treated by 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 2 weeks

All of the VitaminDWiki Obesity pages with WEIGHT in title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 72
Title Modified
Body weight not reduced by small doses of calcitriol – meta-analysis Sept 2024 23 Sep, 2024
Weight loss drugs increase unplanned pregnancies (perhaps due to Vitamin D) - May 2024 19 May, 2024
Risk of Vitamin D deficiency with Breast Cancer: 2.7 X if normal weight, 7 X if obese (no surprise) – March 2024 26 Mar, 2024
Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies 20 Aug, 2023
Permanent Weight Loss - Vitamin D then water-fast - July 2023 23 Jul, 2023
Response to Vitamin D varies with genes (3,000 IU, weight loss in this RCT) – March 2022 22 Mar, 2022
Many people are actively trying to lose weight gained during pandemic - Vitamin D will help 13 Dec, 2021
Weight loss on low-calorie diet: 7 lbs more lost if got lots of Vitamin D – June 2021 13 Dec, 2021
Little weight loss in obese children from very small amount of vitamin D (1200 IU) – RCT April 2020 19 Jun, 2020
Large weight loss 32X more likely to be achieved if weight gain was due to Vitamin D Receptor – Jan 2020 31 Jan, 2020
Obese lost more weight on diet if added 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – many RCTs 25 Dec, 2019
Obese taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly lost more weight (again) – RCT Dec 2019 25 Dec, 2019
2.3 X more weight loss in those who had low vitamin D levels and took some – Dec 2019 18 Dec, 2019
Increased risk of weight gain when gene restricts Vitamin D getting to tissues (CYP24A1 in this case) – Nov 2019 07 Nov, 2019
Increased weight in children 8X more likely for each unit increase in adenovirus (if ignore Vitamin D) – Nov 2019 07 Nov, 2019
The Vitamin That Quadruples Weight Loss - Oct 2019 26 Oct, 2019
Obese lost 3X more weight with Vitamin D - July 2018 09 Sep, 2019
This Common Vitamin Doubles Weight Loss– July 2019 21 Jul, 2019
Ketogenic Diet – if lose 10 kg of weight, restore 4 ng of Vitamin D – June 2019 14 Jul, 2019
Omega-3 may reduce weight gain and maintain weight loss – Aug 2018 03 Nov, 2018
Vitamin D and Resveratrol reduce weight gain in rats - Sept 2011 22 Sep, 2018
How Omega-3 fights metabolic syndrome and weight – Feb 2018 11 Sep, 2018
Less weight gain if more vitamin D (in rats) – 2017 28 Jan, 2018
Less weight gain if add Vitamin D, even if have a high fat diet (in rats) – RCT Dec 2017 02 Jan, 2018
Increased Testosterone and Erectile function, decreased weight with Vitamin D – March 2017 31 Aug, 2017
MSG induces weight gain in female rats not supplemented with active vitamin D – April 2017 15 Apr, 2017
UVB 50 percent more response in obese than normal weight (other study disagrees) – Feb 2017 02 Mar, 2017
Off topic: Lose weight by drinking water when feel hungry, eat 20 minutes later if still hungry 31 Jul, 2016
Vitamin D activates the hypothalamus (in rodents) to reduce weight and diabetes– May 2016 25 May, 2016
Increase in Vitamin D deficiency with weight and skin darkness – chart – March 2016 10 Mar, 2016
Weight loss increased Vitamin D levels, which improved bones and decreased inflammation – Oct 2015 18 Aug, 2015
During weight loss a 1 percent decrease in fat resulted in 1 percent increase in vitamin D levels - June 2015 23 Jun, 2015
Weight loss includes muscle loss unless add vitamin D, whey and leucine – RCT Feb 2015 07 Feb, 2015
Less weight gain by senior women if vitamin D levels over 30 ng – Kaiser Dec 2012 10 Jan, 2015
Off topic – Proven again – artificial sweeteners actually make you GAIN weight – Oct 2012 23 Dec, 2014
Low-level antibiotics causes weight gain in mice (and most mammals) – Aug 2014 09 Nov, 2014
Weight loss with salacia reticulata and just 200 IU of vitamin D – RCT 2013 16 Aug, 2014
Less weight gain in mice getting lots of vitamin D – June 2014 03 Aug, 2014
Need 75 IU vitamin D per kg of body weight (volume dilution) – March 2013 05 May, 2014
40 percent less likely to gain weight if live at high altitude (no mention of UVB nor vitamin D) – April 2014 25 Apr, 2014
Weight reduction review – Vitamin D and Calcium may help – July 2011 21 Mar, 2014
Weight loss and Vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium 14 Mar, 2014
Weight loss by UV or Vitamin D 14 Mar, 2014
No weight loss when average over trials lasting 6 weeks and only 200 IU of vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2013 03 Nov, 2013
Obese children gain weight more quickly when have low vitamin D – Oct 2013 17 Oct, 2013
Need 40 to 80 ng of vitamin D to lose weight – Colgan Sept 2013 22 Sep, 2013
Those low on vitamin D were 2.4X more likely to gain weight – June 2013 06 Jun, 2013
Vitamin D and Obesity: review concludes that D is just diluted by total weight – April 2013 17 Apr, 2013
Higher weight and blood pressure in second generation from mother mouse who had low vitamin D – 2012 14 Feb, 2013
Lost more weight on low calorie diet if add 600 mg Ca and just 150 IU vitamin D – RCT Jan 2013 10 Jan, 2013
400 IU of Vitamin D is just diluted by weight, and not stored in fat – Jan 2012 07 Nov, 2012
Weight loss of at least 10 percent resulted in 5 ng increase in vitamin D levels – Sept 2012 29 Sep, 2012
Vitamin D levels increased when senior women lost weight – July 2011 18 Jul, 2012
32 ng vitamin D and 500 mg of Calcium helped reduce weight by 5.6 kg – Sept 2010 25 May, 2012
Low vitamin D in womb linked to more weight at age 6 – May 2012 24 May, 2012
How might Calcium and Vitamin D cause weight loss – Mar 2012 17 May, 2012
Vitamins To Speed Up Metabolism And Aid Weight Loss – May 2011 01 Sep, 2011
Bone lost during postmenopausal dieting not all recovered with weight re-gain – Aug 2011 21 Aug, 2011
Losing weight increases vitamin D level – June 2010 23 May, 2011
Women can lose weight with vitamin D - Nov 2010 30 Jan, 2011
Middle-aged women gained weight if they did not drink fortified milk – Sept 2010 20 Nov, 2010
Half of newborn deaths are due to excessive weight of their mothers – Oct 2010 16 Oct, 2010
More calcium and vitamin D resulted in weight loss – Sept 2010 28 Sep, 2010
Calcium and vitamin D aided weight loss – RCT Sept 2010 13 Sep, 2010
Now we know why vitamin D is not advertised for weight loss 09 Sep, 2010
Weight loss improves both vitamin D and insulin resistance – Sept 2010 09 Sep, 2010
Multivitamins and minerals helped obese lose weight – Feb 2010 27 Aug, 2010
Amylase increases with age, as does weight 10 Aug, 2010
Vitamin D and Weight Loss and Obesity – March 2010 08 Aug, 2010
Lose weight and increase vitamin D level in blood – April 2010 08 Aug, 2010
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