- The effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on atrial fibrillation in generally healthy men and women: The Finnish Vitamin D Trial
- Note: Finns already have a high level of vitamin D
- 23+ VitaminDWiki pages with AFIB or FIBRILATION in title
- Adding Omega-3 would probably help reduce AFIB
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34 studies in both categories Cardiovascular and Omega-3 - There have been
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The effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on atrial fibrillation in generally healthy men and women: The Finnish Vitamin D Trial
American Heart Journal https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2023.05.024
Jyrki K. Virtanen PhD a, Sari Hantunen PhD a, Christel Lamberg-Allardt PhD b, JoAnn E. Manson MD, DrPH c d, Tarja Nurmi PhD a, Matti Uusitupa MD, PhD a, Ari Voutilainen PhD a, Tomi-Pekka Tuomainen MD, PhD aAtrial fibrillation is a common cardiac arrhythmia with high morbidity risk. Observational studies suggest that vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher atrial fibrillation risk but there is limited evidence whether vitamin D supplementation could affect the risk. In these post hoc analyses from the Finnish Vitamin D Trial, we compared the incidence of atrial fibrillation with 5-year supplementation of vitamin D3 (1600 IU/d or 3200 IU/d) vs placebo.
Clinical Trial Registry number:ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01463813, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01463813
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in adulthood, increasing in prevalence with age and carrying a major burden of morbidity. Therefore, with aging populations, methods to decrease AF risk are needed.Mechanistic studies suggest a role for vitamin D deficiency in the pathogenesis of AF,1 and in observational studies vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased AF risk.2 However, only a few randomized clinical trials (RCT) have investigated whether vitamin D supplementation could reduce AF risk in general populations. In the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), vitamin D3 supplementation of 400 IU/d with calcium 1,000 mg/d for a mean 4.3 years did not have an effect on the AF risk.3 Similarly, in the recent Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) Rhythm Study, supplementation with 2,000 IU/d of vitamin D3 did not affect the AF risk over 5.3 years.4
The aim of the current analysis was to investigate the effects of 5-year vitamin D3 supplementation with 1,600 IU/d or 3,200 IU/d on AF risk, compared to placebo, among generally healthy men and women in the Finnish Vitamin D Trial (FIND).
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Note: Finns already have a high level of vitamin D
After years of adding vitamin D, Finland now has 38 ng levels - March 2022
23+ VitaminDWiki pages with AFIB or FIBRILATION in title
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Items found: 24- - - - See also 4 Cardiovascular diseases are associated with little vitamin D getting to cells – May 2023
Adding Omega-3 would probably help reduce AFIB
VitaminDWiki -
34 studies in both categories Cardiovascular and Omega-3 This list is automatically updated
- Omega-3 reduces many aspects of heart problems - Jan 2024
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by Omega-3 - many studies
- Cardiovascular problems are prevented by Vitamin D plus Omega-3 – Feb 2023
- Omega-3 decreases heart disease and COVID: Harris and Patrick, video and transcript - Dec 2021
- Atrial Fibrillation decreased by Vitamin D or Magnesium - many studies
- Omega-3 reduced cardiovascular deaths by 16 percent (427,678 people) – March 2020
- Synthetic EPA drug recommended to FDA for Cardio (Omega-3 is 8 X better) – Nov 2019
- Omega-3 reduces heart problems by ~5 percent – meta-analysis by Heart Association Oct 2019
- Cardiovascular Prevention with Omega-3 (finally using high doses) – Sept 2019
- Few people have enough EPA (an Omega-3) to reduce heart failures – July 2019
- Another Nail in the Coffin for Fish Oil Supplements (nope) – JAMA April 2018
- Omega-3 provides many cardiovascular benefits – April 2018
- Omega-3 helps the heart, AHA class II recommendation, more than 1 gm may be needed – March 2018
- 3 days of Omega-3 before cardiac surgery reduced risk of post-op bleeding by half – RCT March 2018
- Perhaps the Omega-3 optimal level is 10 percent, not 8 – Feb 2018
- Omega-3 Cardiovascular meta-analysis has at least 5 major problems – Jan 2018
- Benefits of Omega-3 beyond heart health - LEF Feb 2018
- Higher Omega-3 index (4 to 8 percent) associated with 30 percent less risk of coronary disease (10 studies) July 2017
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by low dose aspirin and perhaps Omega-3 (also Vit K) – Sept 2017
- Omega-3 reduced time in hospital and atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery – meta-analysis May 2016
- For every Omega-3 dollar there is a 84 dollar savings in Cardiovascular costs - Foster and Sullivan April 2016
- High dose Omega-3 probably reduces heart problems – American Heart Association – March 2017
- Health problems prevented by eating nuts (perhaps due to Magnesium and or Omega-3) – meta-analysis Dec 2016
- Omega-3 – need more than 1 gram for a short time to reduce Cardiovascular Disease – Nov 2016
- Omega-3 is vital for health, mail-in test is low cost and accurate
- Cardiovascular calcification prevented by Omega-3, Magnesium, Vitamin K, and Vitamin D – April 2015
- Atrial fibrillation sometimes treated by Omega-3 – meta-analysis Sept 2015
- Salmon intervention (vitamin D and Omega-3) improved heart rate variability and reduced anxiety – Nov 2014
- Omega-7 - in addition to Omega-3
- Omega-3 reduces Coronary Heart Disease - infographic June 2014
- Cardiovascular diseases – conflicting data on benefits of Omega-3 and vitamin D – Feb 2014
- Cardiovascular system benefits from both Omega-3 and vitamin D – Dec 2012
- Heart problems such as Afib related to little Magnesium, Omega-3, Vitamin D getting to tissues
- Omega-3 does not help heart patients – meta-analysis Sept 2012
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